Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I Love You Rituals

I so highly recommend this book. Please buy it. :-) I wish I could afford to give each of you this book, I feel so strongly about it. The author came to speak at our convention and I picked up a copy while I was there. I have been reading it and am so moved. The book is focused on interactive finger plays, soothing games and physically active games that can be played with children from infancy through age eight. These powerful rituals prime a child's brain for learning, help children cope with change, enhance attention , cooperation and self-esteem, help busy families stay close and affirm the parent-child bond that insulates children from violence, peer pressure, and drugs, and much more.
Please put this book on the very top of your list! It has a very important and urgent message for all families.
Also, for those that long-range plan, Dr. Bailey will be coming to Dallas Sept. 19-20th, 2008 for a two-day workshop. I am definitely going and wanted you all to know about it too. It is for parents, educators, anyone who works with children. See her website at for her products and other parenting help.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Bring a friend to class November 5-9th! I will have shakers and scarves for you and your friend to take home. :-)

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Elephant does not find his trunk heavy,
Nor does the Mother her child.

African Proverb

Welcome to my blog

This is my first post. I hope you'll stop by and visit once in awhile! This blog is primarily for Kindermusik families, but I welcome friends and family to stop by and read about snippets on early childhood and brain development, music, and other fun things I find. Put me in your favorites list!