Saturday, June 14, 2008

And she's off

Early, very early this morning--4:30 a.m., my daughter left with 80 teenagers and adults through our church for Juarez, Mexico to build homes for people who don't have a decent place to live. Tonight, she is safely in El Paso, spending the night at a hotel and taking her last 'real shower' for the week. Tomorrow morning, they will cross over to Mexico and set up camp. This is my daughter's first trip there. It is a trip reserved for entering 9th graders through high school grads. She has been anticipating this trip for months. All of the teens that are going raised their own support, are taking a week of their summertime to go to a dusty, dry and hot place of Mexico to work and help someone else, got up in the 'middle of the night' to ride 12 hours, and will be sleeping in tents and taking 'bucket showers'. Most of the people that have done this trip before love it and do it again. They work very hard building 5 homes in 5 days.

She will learn so much. I can't wait to get an earful when she gets back. For now, I have to be satisfied with quick texts and a phone call when I can get them.

1 comment:

Colored With Memories said...

Wow, we'll be anxiously awaiting an update too!